Iron Chain

An all purpose chain made of sturdy well cast iron.

Wheat Ethanol

This is alcohol made from distilling wheat. It's alchemy-grade, so you probably don't want to drink it.

Elven Tombstone

This stone tells of the death of a certain elf, whose name you don't know because you can't read elven.

Copper Cup

Copper cups fell out of fashion when it was discovered certain kinds of potent grog could react with the metal to create poison. You wonder how many people were poisoned by this one.

Flint Arrowhead

This is a hand-hewn flint arrowhead that was likely at the tip of an arrow or spear at one time.

Brass Armor Plate

Brass isn't the most amazing metal for protecting your body with, but it looks nice and is better than nothing.

Vortex Rune Tile

Crafting a vortex rune tile is a tricky business, and often lands the crafter in the Void, or other unpleasant places.

Rusty Iron Spring

This spring, while once clearly finely made and very springy, is now rusted and probably unreliable.

Aluminum Plating

This aluminum plating could be useful in making armor or repairing various metal household objects.
