Haunts are Bloodlines-friendly locations in Second Life. They can be bars, clubs, roleplay areas, or just places to hang out and meet other Bloodlines players. Click any of the haunts below to view more information about it!


Moonlight Gaze - TLR 8 (44)

Blood, Lumen, Ether, Ichor & Cider.Simple & First Bite Souls Available. Achievement Services. Tanks. Mall also available other needs (breedables, gachas, and more)

Moonlight Gaze 2 (44)

Blood, Lumen, Ether, Ichor & Cider.Simple & First Bite Souls Available. Achievement Services. Tanks. Mall also available other needs (breedables, gachas, and more)

Liliths Offspring Clan (2)

Vampires, Lycans, Angels, Demons, Elders and Humans are all welcome at Lilith's Offspring Clan!

Moonlight Gaze - TLR 2 (38)

Blood, Lumen, Ether, Ichor & Cider.Simple & First Bite Souls Available. Achievement Services. Tanks. Mall also available other needs (breedables, gachas, and more)

WJ #01 (37)

Lilith's Offspring Clan!

cafe embraced (32)

For Japanese Vampires cafe ===========

BDSMNews @ Setites Clan (27)

BDSMNews list your area in the news just ask us, Kinky Park, Bloodlines, Master, Mistress, Slave, Sub, Adult Fun, Strippers , Nude, GTFO, Heliport, Bloodlines and BikerParties.

Little Shop of Bloodlines (25)

Bloodlines Bloodbank Bank Blood Bank Vampire Lycan Human Angel Demon Hybrid Vial Cider Lumen Ether Ichor Container Tank Barrel Apple Legend War Haunt Achievements Soul Accessoires

Liliths Offspring Clan (24)

Come see our more haunts ..

Little Shop of Bloodlines (23)

Bloodlines Bloodbank Bank Blood Bank Vampire Lycan Human Angel Demon Hybrid Vial Cider Lumen Ether Ichor Container Tank Barrel Apple Legend War Haunt Achievements Soul Accessoires

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05-28-2024 0:00am
We are hiring for DJs...