Silver Candlestick

This silver candlestick is only slightly tarnished and would go well in any bedroom or dinner setting.

Silver Jingle Bell

Without extensive testing, it's hard to say if this bell will jingle all the way or only part of the way.

Slime Mold

Various slime molds infest the dungeons and dark places of the world. This one is green.

Straw Bundle

How much straw goes into a bundle varies from country to country. This bundle feels just right to you.

Thrown Horseshoe

This horseshoe is considered unlucky, as it was thrown by a horse at some point.

Tin Pegs

The benefit of tin pegs is that they are lightweight. The downside is that they are tin.

Unholy Sheet Music

This piece of sheet music glows with a reddish light, and you get the feeling you don't want to hear the music on it.

White Candle

This candle is made of white wax, and looks to only have been lit once or twice.