Blue Silk Scarf

This very fine silk scarf is tinted blue.

Hemp Twine

Someone took their time weaving this sturdy hemp twine.

Puce Yarn

You are already imagining all the craft projects you could be doing with this puce yarn.


These laces are made of leather and would be great for lacing not only shoes but also bodices, jerkins, or other items that need to be cinched.

Red Silk Scarf

This silk was dyed red with essence of the madder plant.

Straw Bundle

How much straw goes into a bundle varies from country to country. This bundle feels just right to you.

Cyan Ink

This is simple cyan ink, often used in printmaking.

Whisper Ink

If you listen closely, you can hear the voices of lost souls on the wind.

Forgetting Ink

Runes written with this ink have a certain effect, but I can't remember what it is.

Silver Ink

This is a pot of valuable silver ink, used mainly for writing spellbooks and scrolls.

Oak Paper

Paper made from oak logs.

Onion Skin Paper

Unlike normal onion skin paper which is just very thin, this is literally made from onions.

Doldrum Wheat Paper

This paper is made from Doldrum Wheat, which makes it a little more sad and boring but still functional as paper.

Brute Cotton Paper

This is paper made from Brute Cotton.

Root Stew

This simple stew is made from things that grew underground for the most part. It's not very tasty but it is nourishing.

Benighted of Bridgetown Trophy Writ

This is a writ signed by Mayor Velorina Hargrave, entitling the bearer to a trophy for distinguished service to Bridgetown. It can be redeemed at any trophy shoppe.

Unholy Sheet Music

This piece of sheet music glows with a reddish light, and you get the feeling you don't want to hear the music on it.

Needs of Nightville Trophy Writ

This is a writ signed by Queen Dragomir, entitling the bearer to a trophy for distinguished service to the crypt-town of Nightville. It can be redeemed at any trophy shoppe.

Bridgetown Money Writ (50c)

This is a writ signed by Mayor Velorina Hargrave, entitling the bearer to 50 Copper pieces. It is redeemable at the bank in Bridgetown.

Fine Fergal Perfume

This is a bottle of Fine Fergal Perfume.

Black Ink

This is basic black ink used for writing enchanted scrolls.

Urn of Evil Rune Residue

This urn contains the residue of successfully dispelled Evil Runes. It is enchanted to keep the residue safe indefinitely, protected by a containment Rune on the front.

Skyvale Money Writ (50c)

This is a writ signed by Governor Flavian, entitling the bearer to 50 Copper pieces. It is redeemable at the bank in Skyvale.

Seekers of Skyvale Trophy Writ

This is a writ signed by Governor Flavian, entitling the bearer to a trophy for distinguished service to the town of Skyvale. It can be redeemed at any trophy shoppe.

Nightville Money Writ (50c)

This is a writ signed by Queen Dragomir, entitling the bearer to 50 Copper pieces. It is redeemable at the money exchanger in Nightville.